When ONE OK ROCK set out to create one of their most ambitious music videos to date, they tapped Stink Films to bring their song to life. I had the opportunity to speak with executive producer Fukashi Yagasaki about the challenges of incorporating AI into the “Dystopia” music video and more.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview. Please tell us a little bit about what you and your company do.
FY: I am an executive producer at a company called Stink Films. Stink is a global movie production company based in London with offices in 12 cities around the world. I am at the Tokyo office where I mainly work on TV commercials, web movies, music videos, and various other video contents.
What was the reaction in the company when you were contacted to create an MV for one of Japan’s biggest bands?
Just, “WOW!” 😆
How closely did you work with ONE OK ROCK to plan the MV and how much input did they have in its direction?
The band shared with us several dozen pages’ worth of material that spelled out their intentions for this song and their new album. Those pages inscribed what present day Taka and the band members currently felt about the world, their everyday thoughts, and their approach towards the creative process. We interpreted all that and thought about how to output that as a music video.
When we discussed with Taka about wanting to use AI, the most memorable thing he told us was, “I want you to make it so that you can feel the soul of the AI.” He said that though he had never felt anything like that from existing AI videos, that wouldn’t be good enough this time. He directed that we create a video where you can firmly feel its “body heat.” Thinking back on it now, this comment became the “axis” for our creative process from beginning to end.
There are many ethical concerns regarding the use of generative AI tools, including the negative impact it may have on the creative industry. As a company of creators, was there any opposition to using a tool that many feel very strongly against? Please share your approach and any guidelines you may have set for yourself to ensure the responsible use of generative AI.
There was no opposition. There were of course some voices of concern, but once we thoroughly researched and also received the opinions of lawyers, we were able to deepen our understanding of AI.
To be honest, there aren’t yet any clearly set guidelines anywhere. That’s why we had to tread very cautiously with this project. Rather than our company’s, it was because we had the understanding of ONE OK ROCK and Warner Music that we were able to realize this project.
We also confirmed beforehand how the staff who would be working on this project felt.
As you said, this technology has arguments both for and against it, and not everyone is welcoming of it. If it doesn’t fit your philosophy then you shouldn’t participate. I want you to respect your views, and there’s no need to bend them. That’s how I explained it to everyone. I felt it was important for all our staff to understand that and to decide whether or not this way of thinking fits with them.

Was there any reason why you chose specifically to use generative AI to show a dystopian world rather than use traditional special effects tools? What message did you want to convey with your use of generative AI?
There are two reasons.
The first is because it was necessary.
There’s a theory that there will be a singularity involving AI in the year 2045. But honestly, that’s not something we can experience personally in our daily lives. By expressing that singularity together with generative AI, we wanted to help everyone decide their personal stance on AI. I think that’s why it was inevitable that we used generative AI for that purpose.
The second reason is that we wanted to demonstrate how far current AI technology can take us, and what kinds of expressions would be possible if top level professional staff really gave it their all in grappling with this technology.
I think that one of the main points of this MV is that we did not use any CGI. Most of the works that “use AI” in the world are actually supplemented with CGI. However, we did not use CGI at all. The reason is that in order to “depict something together with AI” and “make AI one of our staff,” it was absolutely necessary to do everything completely with only AI.
What were some challenges you faced while working on this video? How did it compare to doing things the traditional way?
This was a challenge that no one had ever done before, so every day started with a discussion about, “Okay, what should we try out today?” Honestly, even AI engineering was an unknown task, so we had to develop everything from techniques to workflow.
Now that I think about it, that trial and error was the most fun part. While we are professionals, first and foremost we are film geeks, after all.😆

Do you have any favorite scenes you would like audiences to pay close attention to?
All of the scenes are my favorite, but the one used as the thumbnail on YouTube is very symbolic and it’s one scene that I really liked. Don’t you think it’s totally cool? 😆
Yes, very!
How was it working with ONE OK ROCK to create something you had never done before?
It was so memorable during filming when the band was like, “It’s like a movie!” and gave us a very energetic performance. You can see it in the BTS (behind the scenes) clips and from what Taka uploaded to his Instagram, but it was a genuinely fun and very beautiful film set where all the staff were focused. (There’s actually a version before we applied AI, and it looked really cool even at that point!)
I think everyone was a bit nervous until we added in the AI.😅 But even during the editing phase, from Taka to the rest of the band members, everyone’s high sense of awareness towards the creative process and attitude full of ideas was very stimulating every time.

Aside from the use of generative AI, is there anything that sets this project apart from those you’ve worked on in the past?
It wasn’t too different from regular filming, but the film set was memorable. What was surprising was that the cars that became the platform when everyone was performing were all real. (Please check out the photos from the shoot!) To be able to arrange for so many cars on that scale, for sure we were blessed with a wonderful film set. I’m thankful from the bottom of my heart.

Was the final product and the reactions you received what you had hoped they would be?
Absolutely! This is one of my life’s best works! I still grin even when I look back on it now. 🤭 Receiving mixed reactions was also exactly according to plan.
Thank you for all the insightful answers. Lastly, please give a message to the readers.
Putting aside for a moment whether or not AI was used, please first enjoy the MV to the fullest! I would be happy if this became an opportunity for you to think in your own way about your position on AI! ENJOY!

Many thanks again to Mr. Yagasaki and Stink Films for answering my questions. Visit Stink Films Tokyo online here and follow Mr. Yagasaki on Instagram @y_fukashi!
ONE OK ROCKが今まで最も野心的なミュージックビデオを制作する時に、曲を命を吹き込むようにStink Filmsに依頼しました。この度、「Dystopia」MVにAIを取り込むチャレンジなどについてエクゼクティブプロデューサーの谷ヶ崎深志氏とお話をしました。

Stink Filmsという会社でExecutive Producerをしています。Stinkはロンドンを拠点に世界12都市にオフィスを構えているグローバル規模のムービープロダクションです。僕は東京オフィスに所属し、TVCMやWEB MOVIE、MVなど様々な映像コンテンツをベースに活動しています。
MVを企画する際、ONE OK ROCKと何度も打ち合わせしましたか?バンドはMVの方向性や、アイディアにどれぐらいインプットがありましたか?
正直なところ、ガイドラインはどこにもまだはっきりとした決まりがありません。だからこそ今回のプロジェクトはとても慎重に進める必要がありました。社内というよりは、ONE OK ROCKのみなさん、ワーナーミュージックのみなさんのご理解があってこそ実現した企画です。


今まで経験したことのないものをONE OK ROCKと作成し、いかがでしたか?



改めて、こちらの質問を答えてくださった谷ヶ崎氏とStink Filmsに大感謝です。Stink Films東京の公式サイトはこちらです。谷ヶ崎さんをインスタでも@y_fukashiでぜひフォローしてください!