Interview with Kyle Cogan, Director of Wasted Nights MV


ONE OK ROCK’s highly anticipated new music video Wasted Nights was released on January 31, 2019, ahead of the band’s release of their new album Eye of the Storm. In less than a month, the video has received over 7 million views between the Japanese and English versions. It has been praised for its stunning visuals and high production values.

I received the opportunity to ask director Kyle Cogan of SIMIAN DESIGN a few questions about his work on this incredible new video.

Director Kyle Cogan

How did you develop an interest in television and film? Of the genres you specialize in (music videos, commercials, animation), do you have a favorite to work with?

KC: I began making little sports films in high school. I work in all mediums. I used to be an animator for NFL films, freelanced on a ton of various commercials but there’s something really special and creative about the music video process. I just recently shot my first short film titled Bad Assistant starring Paige Klone and Jason Schwartzman. That was a blast. So I’d say music videos and anything narrative are my favorites.

I read that you’re an Emmy Award winner so it’s pretty cool that such an accomplished director like yourself has gotten involved with a ONE OK ROCK music video. What made you decide to take up the offer to direct this project?

The label sent me the track and I instantly connected to it.

What was your first impression of ONE OK ROCK as a band and of their music?

I’ve been following their music for quite a while. I can’t remember what my first impression was, but was impressed from day one.

Oh, so you knew about them before this. How did you first hear about the band? Do you have a favorite song or album?

I was sent some tracks a few years back from their label. I don’t necessarily have a favorite song. They were just on my radar. I always dug what they were doing.

It must have been exciting to get an opportunity to work with them then.

Yeah, definitely. I connected with Wasted Nights right away.

Let’s talk about that. What did you think of the song when you first heard it?

I love big anthemic tracks like WN. To me the track had that instant nostalgia about those romantic and reckless days of being a high schooler. Life is about making memories that will last forever and to me this song empowers that mentality.

How did you prepare for the shooting of the Wasted Nights music video? Did you research the band’s previous videos or do you prefer to go in with limited knowledge so as to not be influenced?

I try not to watch too many previous videos so they don’t influence me. When writing a video like this I just follow my first initial gut reaction. I was familiar with their work before so I didn’t need to do much research.

How long did it take to shoot this music video? What was the most difficult aspect of its creation?

2 Days filming. 1 with the band 1 with the narrative. The most difficult aspect was combining the narrative and performance seamlessly. Essentially they are two different videos merged together to be one. I knew we needed to make the performance feel larger than life and the band liked one of my previous videos for the Lost Kings which is what brought us together. So the idea was combining the epic performance of OOR with a fun youthful narrative. The storm seams the two together. And I think the VHS camera provides realism into the narrative.

Wasted Nights is the theme song for the live-action movie Kingdom. Is this something that you kept in mind when planning for the video?

I didn’t know anything about that until after the video came out so it had no influence on the creative.

Were all the elements of the video entirely thought up by you?

Yeah, they really let me dive in with the story. I fully had their trust.

We don’t often see Taka singing with a corded mic nowadays. Whose idea was this? Does the white color on the mic represent anything?

Call me old school, but I love seeing instruments plugged in in music videos. So many times people go, “Oh it’s wireless, it’s fine.” But there’s something to me about rock bands and cables whipping around that brings me back to 90s grunge. I wanted Taka to be able to move around at will but there’s something really cool about seeing a cable disappear into our water world. He brought the white mic. I loved it. No idea if the color represents anything.

What was it like working with ONE OK ROCK? Did you feel any kind of language barrier while working with them?

Super hard workers. Shooting a video with water effects is never easy. They were total troopers all the way through. Without their amazing attitude through the cold rain effects, this video wouldn’t be what it is. Their professionalism shined through and allowed me to get all of our necessary shots to execute our vision. They were amazing to work with.

And no language barriers. Between Taka and a few people on set, it was good.

Great! Lastly, could you please give a message to viewers?

Thank you for watching the music video. I hope the message gets through, but that message is what you make it.

Thank you so much, Kyle, for taking time out of your very busy schedule to chat with me about this amazing music video! Be sure to follow Kyle on Instagram at @kylecogan and, and keep updated about his his upcoming short film, Bad Assistant at @badassistant! He is also available on the web at and

Below are a few stills from the Wasted Nights music video, including a few that were cut from the final product! Please do not repost.


ONE OK ROCKニューアルバム「Eye of the Storm」の発売を先立ち、待望のミュージックビデオ「Wasted Nights」が2019年1月31日に公開されました。1ヶ月以内に日本語版と英語版合わせて700万回以上視聴されています。ビジュアルやプロダクションバリューが素晴らしいと賞賛されています。




KC: 高校時代に短いスポーツフィルムを作りました。色々なメディアでお仕事をしています。NFLフィルムのアニメーターをやりましたし、色々なCMをフリーランスで作りましたし、でもミュージックビデオの制作は特別な何かがありますね。最近はペイジ・クローンとジェイソン・シュワーツマン主演「バッド・アシスタント」という初めてのショートフィルムを作りました。あれはすごく楽しかったです。ということで、ミュージックビデオとストーリーのあるものが一番好きかな。

カイルさんはエミー賞受賞者と聞きましたが、あなたのような熟練な監督がONE OK ROCKのミュージックビデオに関わるのはすごいと思います。何故このオファーを受けましたか?


ONE OK ROCKのバンドとして、そして音楽性の第一印象を教えてください。





そうですね。「Wasted Nights」にすぐに共感しました。

それについてお話しましょう。初めて「Wasted Nights」を聞いた時、どう思われましたか?


どのように「Wasted Nights」のMVの撮影を準備しましたか?バンドの過去のMVを参考しましたか?それとも影響されないようにあえて見なかったんですか?




「Wasted Nights」は実写映画「キングダム」の主題歌ですが、ビデオを企画する段階にそのことを考えてましたか?






ONE OK ROCKと一緒にお仕事をしていかがでしたか?言語の壁とか感じましたか?






下記は未使用カットを含める「Wasted Nights」MVからのスチルです!転載はご遠慮ください。

ONE OK ROCK “Wasted Nights” music video directed by Kyle Cogan